
Violence can impact on women at any stage of their lives; however, it is in our twenties and thirties that we are most likely to experience violence.

In women aged between 15 and 44, family or intimate partner violence is responsible for more preventable death and disease than high blood pressure, high cholesterol, drug and alcohol abuse, obesity or lack of exercise.

Young women experiencing violence are also at a higher risk of unplanned pregnancy or abortion. For many women, violence escalates during pregnancy, leading to pregnancy complications or miscarriage. Violence takes many forms, physical and emotional, and can be so subtle and manipulative that women often feel they are responsible for it, which along with fear and stigma, impacts on their ability to seek help.

The range of violent behaviours against women includes:

  • physical or sexual violence from a partner, family member, acquaintance or stranger
  • sexual harassment
  • bullying
  • stalking
  • female genital cutting
  • forced marriage.

Violence against women is common, but it is also preventable.  

For a full list of resource and support services download the fact sheet Family violence - information for women. This fact sheet has been translated into a number of community languages.


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