Hospital map

Find your way around our hospital.

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Lower Ground floor

Emergency and Admissions, Car parking entrance, Public toilets, Payphone

lower ground floor map

Ground floor

Reception, Women's Welcome Centre, Sacred Space, Badjurr-Bulok Wilam, Counselling & Social Support, Consumer Liaison, Retail & food precinct, Public toilets, Payphone

ground floor map

Level 1

Women’s Health clinics and Pregnancy clinics, Pregnancy Day Care, Pauline Gandel Imaging Centre, Pharmacy for hospital patients, Physiotherapy, Nutrition & Dietetics, Public toilets, Payphone

levels 1 and 2 maps

Level 2

Reproductive Services, Women’s private consulting suites, Frances Perry House private consulting suites, Public toilets, Payphone

Level 3

Birth Centre and Assessment Centre, Day Surgery, Payphone

levels 3 and 4 maps

Level 4

Maternity Wards (4 East and 4 South), Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Breastfeeding Service, Hospital garden courtyard, Public toilets, Payphone

Level 5

Women’s Cancer Services and Women’s Health Wards, Complex Care, Public toilets, Payphone

Hospital map

Level 6

Frances Perry House private hospital

Level 7

Women's Research Precinct, Frances Perry House private hospital, University of Melbourne Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Public toilets

Hospital map