Dysplasia Clinic

The Dysplasia Clinic, part of the Women's Gynaeoncology Service, provides specialist care for women with screen detected precancerous abnormalities of the cervix, vulva and vagina. It offers a comprehensive diagnostic, treatment and management service for women with an abnormal cervical screening result or post coital bleeding.

Clinical inclusion

Women with an abnormal cervical screening result that meet our updated acceptance criteria for colposcopy, and all women with post coital bleeding or a suspected precancerous condition, can be referred by a GP or specialist doctor.


Clinics are held every week day, apart from Thursday. 


The Dysplasia Service screen-detected pre-cancerous abnormalities of the cervix, vulva and vagina and are triaged according to the NHMRC guidelines, as well as post coital bleeding.


Cervix:   Post coital bleeding in women 35 years and older that persists for more than 4 weeks

Specific recommendations

In patients found on examination of the cervix to have clinical features that raise the suspicion of cervical cancer, an urgent referral should be made. A cervical smear test is not required before referral, and a previous negative cervical smear result is not a reason to delay referral. These referrals may be triaged to the Oncology Unit.

Please also see our referrals information web page Acceptance criteria for colposcopy.


Please complete and fax the Fast Fax Referral form

Urgent referrals

Clinical enquiries will be directed to the Dysplasia Nurse Coordinator.


An acknowledgement letter will be sent directly to the patient and the GP will be notified. The patient will then receive a letter with the appointment details.