Survival rates for children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer have been steadily increasing. However, cancer treatments can have a toxic effect on the ability of these children to have a family later in life.
Unfortunately, only around 15 per cent of young cancer patients in Australia access specialised consultation and undergo fertility preservation before cancer treatment.
The Women’s children’s cancer fertility preservation service provides free fertility preservation options for children and young people and encourages referrals from across Australia.
Ovarian and testicular tissue cryopreservation
- Ovarian tissue cryopreservation is the only fertility preserving option available for young girls and for women who need to commence cancer treatment without any delay. This form of fertility preservation is no longer considered experimental for post-pubertal girls and women, and there are now several births reported after grafting of prepubertal tissue.
- Testicular tissue cryopreservation is the only fertility preserving option for pre-pubertal boys. It is still considered experimental but can be attempted within the confines of established ethical guidelines and is an option when considering potential medical advances in the future.
Services available nationally
This new national initiative brings together experts across medical, technical, and scientific domains. We provide, at no-cost:
- Specialised counselling for patients and families about fertility preservation
- Advisory support and consultation for health professionals
- Educational resources for health professionals and patients
- Retrieval and transport of ovarian and testicular tissue
- Transport service for gonadal tissue prior to grafting
- Expert processing and storage
- Post-procedure clinic review to discuss results and future fertility
The service is available thanks to the generosity of the Children’s Cancer Foundation and My Room Children’s Cancer Charity.
The process
We collaborate with health professionals and patients undergoing cancer treatment across Australia.
Ovarian and testicular tissue procedures are performed by a local specialist in any state or territory, with the Women’s coordinating tissue collection, transport, processing, and cryopreservation in our facilities in Melbourne.
- Local gynaecologists, urologists and fertility specialists undertake ovarian tissue harvest and testicular tissue extraction at their own facility. The Women’s service can provide specialised advice and coordination.
- The tissue is transported to the Women’s for processing and cryopreservation and then stored at the Women's Reproductive Services laboratory.
- In the future, if a decision is made by the now-adult patient and their specialist to pursue fertility treatment, the tissue is transported back to the patient’s local specialist team for grafting. Alternatively, the patient can come to the Women’s in Melbourne, where the grafting surgery can be performed.
Clinical inclusions
- Patients planning oncology treatment that puts their fertility at risk, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy (radiation therapy)
- Gonadal tissue freezing is indicated
Clinical exclusions
Patients not deemed suitable for this service by an oncologist or health care provider or where the patient does not wish to be referred.
Referral instructions
- Complete the Fertility Preservation Referral Form (Word, 381 KB)
- Fax referral to (03) 8345 3260
Our team is available to speak with oncologists, gynaecologists and other specialists considering referral. For enquiries and urgent referrals, contact the Royal Women’s Hospital fertility preservation nurse (Monday to Friday, 7:30am–4pm):
- Phone (03) 8345 3227
- Email rsu.fps@thewomens.org.au
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Date reviewed: 04 December 2024
Date reviewed: 04 December 2024