The Women's provides an integrated multidisciplinary oncology service for women with benign, pre-malignant and malignant breast and gynaecological conditions.
Patients of the Women's oncology unit are mostly women with diagnosed, or suspected, gynaecological or breast cancer who may be treated here at any stage of their illness. Services include both major and minor surgery, oncology and dysplasia outpatient clinics and a range of support programs and groups. Patients will need a GP or specialist referral to these services.
As a centre of excellence, the unit operates as a multi-disciplinary team, which includes nursing and medical staff, physiotherapy, social work, pharmacy, dietetics and spiritual care. The unit is also part of the broader VCCC breast and gynaecological cancer tumour streams.There is also intensive involvement with a range of research projects and a strong commitment to clinical trial recruitment.
Gynaeoncology Clinic
The Gynaeoncology Clinic provides assessment, diagnosis, multidisciplinary care team planning and surgical management of known or suspected gynaecological cancer or precancerous conditions.
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Breast Service
The Combined Breast Service of the Royal Women's Hospital and The Royal Melbourne Hospital is a joint service that provides a full range of care for all types of breast disease.
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Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Registry & Clinic
The GTD Registry offers comprehensive diagnosis, monitoring, treatment and management for women with a partial or complete molar pregnancy, or any other form of GTD or gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN).
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The clinical information and Clinical Guidelines available on this Website are intended to provide guidance to health care professionals, based on a thorough evaluation of research evidence, on the practical assessment and management of specific clinical issues or situations. The Guidelines allow some flexibility on the part of the health care professional based on the needs of the specific patient for whom they are caring. Whilst appreciable care has been taken in the preparation of Clinical Guidelines, the Women's provides these as a service only and does not warrant the accuracy of these Guidelines. Any representation implied or expressed concerning the efficacy, appropriateness or suitability of any treatment or product is expressly negated. In view of the possibility of human error and / or advances in medical knowledge, the Women's cannot and does not warrant that the information contained in the Guidelines is in every respect accurate or complete. Accordingly, the Women's will not be held responsible or liable for any errors or omissions that may be found in any of the information on this Website. You are encouraged to consult other sources in order to confirm the information contained in any of the Guidelines and, in the event that medical treatment is required, to take professional, expert advice from a legally qualified and appropriately experienced medical practitioner. For practitioners outside the Women’s this material is made available in good faith as a resource for use by health professionals to draw on in developing their own protocols, guided by published medical evidence. In doing so, practitioners should themselves be familiar with the literature and make their own interpretations of it. NOTE: Care should be taken when printing any Clinical Guideline from this Website. Updates to these guidelines will take place as necessary. It is therefore advised that regular visits to this Website will be needed to access the most current version of these guidelines.