Sexual Health & Rapid Access Service

The Sexual Health and Rapid Access Service provides specialist sexual health care as well as facilitating rapid access to women who meet specific psychosocial criteria.


Sexual health

This service includes:

  • Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections and blood borne viruses
  • Follow up post sexual assault
  • Cryotherapy for genital warts
  • Genital skin biopsies 
Rapid Access

Provides rapid access to women who meet specific psychosocial criteria such as:

  • Homelessness
  • Violence
  • Disability
  • Alcohol and other drugs
  • Recent release from prison
  • Mental Health

For women who fit any of the above criteria the Sexual Health & Rapid Access Service will assess their broader gynaecological concerns – abnormal bleeding, pelvic pain, cervical screening, contraception etc.

Clinical inclusion 

Women and their partners

Clinical exclusion

There are no clinical exclusions for this service.


Wednesday morning, Friday morning and Friday afternoon.


Triage staff will liaise directly with the Sexual Health & Rapid Access Service for all referrals.


Please complete and fax the Fast Fax Referral form

Urgent referrals

Contact the Nurse Coordinator on the service mobile number listed on this page. 


An acknowledgement letter will be sent directly to the patient and the GP will be notified. If appropriate/required the Nurse Coordinator will liaise directly with the referring clinician and with the woman being referred before appointment details are sent to the patient.