Women’s Mental Health Service

The Women’s Mental Health Service provides assessment and treatment for patients of the Women’s, who are receiving maternity, cancer or gynaecology care, and who also have a mental health problem.

The mental health team includes psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, an infant health clinician and a psychiatric consultation-liaison nurse.


We provide a range of individual and group-based treatments for our patients in four key areas:

  • Mental health in pre-conception
  • Mental health in pregnancy
  • Mental health in motherhood
  • Mental health and cancer.

Mental health issues in pregnancy and after birth can affect a woman’s capacity to cope with the demands of motherhood and to bond effectively with her baby.

Anxiety and depression following a cancer diagnosis can challenge a woman’s capacity to cope with her physical health and her view of herself and in turn, impact on her relationships and her partner.

Menopause and other mid-life changes can also have a significant impact on a woman and seriously compromise her sense of health and wellbeing.


Past training: Parent-Infant Psychotherapy: Approaches to Assessment and Intervention.

Clinical inclusion

The majority of the Service's care is provided to current patients of the Women’s who have a comorbid mental health problem.

However, an exception is the Maternity Psychotropic Medicine Assessment Service. Women do not need to be a patient of the Women's to access this service. We do ask that patients of this service live near the Women's (so they can attend a face-to-face consultation at the Women's, wherever possible). 


Psychiatry and psychology outpatient clinics are held at the same time and location as antenatal, oncology, menopause, gynaecology, alcohol and drug service, and reproductive service clinics.


Triage of internal referrals ensures women who are 'at risk' or have immediate needs are seen more quickly.


Internal referral only, for the majority of the Service.

However, an exception is the Maternity Psychotropic Medicine Assessment Service. GPs and psychiatrists are welcome to refer women to this service. 

Date reviewed: 16 July 2024

Date reviewed: 16 July 2024