$3.9m awarded for endometriosis research at the Women’s
The Royal Women’s Hospital will lead a major research program aimed at improving the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis thanks to a $3.9m grant.
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New evidence shows examinations in pregnancy should be done differently
Research from our Preterm Labour Clinic has shown that, for some women with a high-risk pregnancy, invasive testing may not be helpful in predicting preterm birth.
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Women’s health research given major funding boost
Researchers at the Royal Women’s Hospital have been awarded $4.5 million to fund three innovative research projects into women’s health.
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$400,000 awarded to device for critically ill babies
A new device being developed at the Women's to help babies in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit has been awarded a grant from Federal Government of $400,000.
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Is your baby moving? Preventing stillbirth
Safer Care Victoria has launched the Movement Matters campaign which aims to encourage women to seek advice from their midwife or doctor if their baby’s movement declines or stops. It comes as the Women's trials a new app to help expectant mothers.
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IUD and hysterectomy best options for heavy bleeding
Hormone releasing IUDs are more effective than the contraceptive pill and other medication for treating heavy or abnormal menstrual bleeding a review by Royal Women’s Hospital researchers has found.
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Diet prevents big babies in gestational diabetes patients
Ground-breaking new research has found that women with gestational diabetes can manage their condition by modifying their diet alone and are no longer considered at high risk of the common complication of big babies.
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Study finds breast milk expressing in pregnancy safe
A world first study, published in The Lancet today, has found that women with diabetes in a low-risk pregnancy can safely express breast milk in late pregnancy, with the study dispelling concerns that the practice could cause harm to babies.
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Large endometriosis study explores genetic link
March is Endometriosis Month and The Women's staff are raising awareness of the disease and latest developments in research and clinical practice.
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What a bequest can achieve
A very generous bequest from the estate of Ilma Mary Short enabled the Women’s to establish The Gynaecology Research Centre.
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