Celebrating one year of the Women’s homebirth program
The Women’s homebirth program has marked its first year, successfully welcoming 22 babies into the world.
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Celebration and rage underpin International Women’s Day
The Royal Women’s Hospital has celebrated International Women’s Day with an online discussion exploring how sex and gender impact health and healthcare.
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One jab alone – the future of HPV prevention
The International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS) has revealed that a single dose of preventative HPV vaccine should be enough to stop it spreading and causing several kinds of cancer.
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Calculating the odds for endometriosis
The diagnosis of endometriosis could soon be revolutionised thanks to an ‘endometriosis calculator’ currently in development by researchers at the Royal Women’s Hospital.
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‘Always seek a second opinion’ – Dawn’s ovarian cancer message
Dawn Sulley has been on an incredible journey with the Royal Women’s Hospital following her diagnosis of stage 4 ovarian cancer in 2019.
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Event inspires next crop of women and girls in science
The Royal Women’s Hospital’s virtual ‘Meet a Scientist’ event has inspired hundreds of senior school students – with clinicians and researchers in the fields of fertility, obstetrics, microbiology and neonatology sharing their unique journeys into science careers.
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United fight against ovarian cancer
While progress in diagnosing and treating ovarian cancer has been slower compared to other types of cancer, surgery has proven a highly effective way to help women deal with ovarian cancer, and improve quality of life.
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