The Royal Women’s Hospital stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and all its healthcare workers.
We are shocked and dismayed to hear of the recent airstrike that has hit a maternity and children’s hospital in the city of Mariupol and the ongoing threats to health facilities necessitating the movement of vulnerable patients, including babies. This is particularly concerning given our focus and expertise in the health and wellbeing of women and newborns.
We abhor violence in all its forms and we are extremely saddened to hear of the heartbreaking experiences of babies, families and healthcare workers caught up in the violence and disruption of war.
This tragic invasion is having a profound impact on everyday people and we are particularly concerned about the immediate and lasting impact it will have on the physical and mental health of all people, especially children.
We strongly condemn the targeted attacks on civilian healthcare workers and health facilities, which is in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions. The work and impartiality of healthcare workers must be protected at all times, but in particular during times of war and other violence.
Our hearts go out to all people caught up in conflict, including midwives, nurses, doctors, paramedics and other health professionals on the frontline of this and other humanitarian crises.
We stand in solidarity with our health sector colleagues in Ukraine and we urge our government and the international community to do everything possible to protect the safety and wellbeing of all people affected by this war.
Professor Sue Matthews
Chief Executive
The Royal Women’s Hospital