Concessional parking fees at the Women’s car park

Information for patients, families and visitors who may be eligible for concessional parking fees at the Women's car park. 


You are eligible to apply for a concessional parking if:

  • You have a Federal Government Concession i.e. pension health care card.
  • You are a parent of a baby who is staying long-term (more than seven days) in our Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
  • You are the partner of a long-term (more than seven days) antenatal patient.
  • You are the partner of a patient staying overnight for more than seven nights consecutively, or either you or the patient hold a Government Concession. If eligible for these reasons, you may apply for discounted parking which allows multiple exits and entries for seven days.

Patients, families and visitors who are eligible for discounted parking will be issued with one of these tickets:

Follow-on ticket: Put this ticket into the Automatic Pay Machine (APM) immediately after your existing ticket (obtained when you came into the car park). The price is then automatically adjusted to $11. 

Free exit ticket: Put this ticket into the boom gate to exit the car park at no charge.

Weekly ticket: This ticket provides you with unlimited entries and exits for a specified period. Take the ticket to the APM and pay the pre-programmed fee to activate the ticket.

Discounted and weekly rates

Discount daily rate of $11: This may be offered to patients who require frequent hospital visits for inpatient treatment such as chemotherapy or Pregnancy Day Care, patients and visitors assessed by the Women’s Social Support Service (WSSS) as unable to meet the standard charges or Health Card holders and Pensioners.

Weekly rate of $40: Parents or relatives of a long stay patient can apply for this rate.

Weekly rate of $77: Partners staying overnight for multiple nights can apply for this rate.

Applying for a discounted rate

If you hold a concession card please go to the Main Reception desk on the ground floor between 8am and 8pm and ask about eligibility for the $11 follow-on ticket.

If you are a parent or relative of a long stay patient, or partner of a patient staying overnight for multiple nights, please ask one of the staff members in the ward to provide a letter of authorisation.

More information on the Women's parking fees

For car park fees and hours of operation, please visit the Wilson Parking website.