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The Women's is a public health service and is incorporated pursuant to the provisions of the Health Services Act 1988 (as amended).

The functions of the board of a public health service are prescribed by the Health Services (Governance and Accountability) Act 2004. Some of those functions are:

  • to develop statements of priorities and strategic plans for the operation of the public health service and to monitor compliance with those statements and plans
  • to develop financial and business plans, strategies and budgets to ensure accountable and efficient provision of health services and the long-term financial viability of the public health service
  • to establish and maintain effective systems to ensure health services meet the needs of the communities served by the public health service and that the views of users and providers of health services are taken into account
  • to monitor the performance of the public health service, and
  • to facilitate health research and education.

Public hospitals are required to prepare annual reports under the Financial Management Act 1994

Safe Patient Care

The Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient Ratios) Amendment Act 2018 came in to effect on 1 March 2019.

Changes to the Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient Ratios) Regulations 2015 then came into effect on 6 March 2019.

Under the amended Act, the Women’s is required to publish the number of birth suite beds at its Parkville site.

The information below (as at 1 March 2025) is published in compliance with the Act.

Birth suite beds: 15

Assessment beds: 5

Statement of commitment to Child Safety

All children have the right to feel safe and to be safe, all the time. The Women’s is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.

We have zero tolerance for any form of child abuse and harm to children and young people.

We will take proactive steps to identify and manage any risks of harm to children at our hospital. When child safety concerns are raised or identified, we will treat these seriously and respond promptly and thoroughly.

The Women’s will create and maintain a child-safe organisation, where protecting children and preventing and responding to child abuse is embedded in the everyday thinking and practice of all our employees, contractors, volunteers and students on placement.

Cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait children

The Women’s is committed to improving health equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, children and families.

We recognise the fundamental significance of cultural traditions, beliefs and connection to Country for the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We will establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued. 

For more information, see our Reconciliation Action Plan 2022-2024

Child safety and wellbeing will be embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture

The Women’s acknowledges that child safety is a shared responsibility.

Every person involved at the Women’s has an important role in promoting child safety and wellbeing and promptly raising any issues or concerns about a child’s safety.


The Women’s is committed to procuring goods and services in an open, fair and transparent manner based on the Policies and Procedures developed by HealthShare Victoria. 

Purchasing decisions are made not only on price, but take into consideration adaptability, innovation, accountability, sustainability, and creating relationships that can drive real and lasting value.

For more information: Procurement at the Women’s.

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality

The Women's publishes a Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register each year, and also has a Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Procedure and Framework. 

You can view these documents in the Downloads and Related Topics section below.

All public sector employees have a duty to always put the public interest above their private interests when carrying out their official duties.

The policy outlines when potential, perceived or actual conflicts may occur and the steps that must be taken to avoid, disclose, mitigate and/or manage a conflict of interest.

Our Procedure, Framework and Registers are in accordance with the Victorian Public Sector Commission guidelines.

Date reviewed: 11 March 2025

Date reviewed: 11 March 2025