Junior Medical Staff

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As a leading teaching hospital, the Women’s has the most comprehensive training program in obstetrics and gynaecology in Victoria, providing Diploma or Fellowship pathways.

Our program also includes all of the recognised sub-speciality programs such as urogynaecology, maternal fetal medicine, ultrasound, gynaecological oncology and reproductive medicine as defined by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

The size and breadth of the Women's obstetrics and gynaecology services ensures trainees have exposure to the broadest range of general and specialist services and teaching, training and supervision from consultants who are recognised experts in their field.

Unique opportunities for training in anaesthetics, psychiatry, obstetric medicine, radiology and emergency medicine, all with a special focus on women’s health and maternity, are available at the Women’s.

Training opportunities in neonatology are available at hospital medical officer (HMO), registrar and Fellow levels and offer a well-structured training program in the largest Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Victoria.

We employ approximately 130 JMOs each medical clinical year. This includes hospital medical officers, Integrated Training Program trainees, Level 4/5 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) trainees, unaccredited registrars, paediatric trainees, anaesthesia trainees, career medical officers and basic/provisional/advanced trainees. 

Women’s Health employs JMOs directly or has trainees allocated through RANZCOG training programs.

There are also opportunities to rotate into the Women's from other health services across Victoria as part of a joint hospital recruitment program and associated secondment agreements. These rotations offer a range of medical placements relating to women’s health in metropolitan and rural/regional hospitals across Victoria and in their catchment areas.

The Women’s has junior medical staff positions available. Check the current advertised positions on the Women's recruitment website. 

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For assistance with terminology used in different states and territories, and general information about awards and agreements for Junior Doctors in Victoria, please see the employment guide on the Australian Medical Association website.

Direct Appointment by the Women's

Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellow
Oncology Fellow
Obstetric Medicine Fellow
Laparoscopic Fellow (Gynaecology 2)
Laparoscopic Fellow (Gynaecology 1)
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellow
Ultrasound Fellow
Urogynaecology Fellow
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Senior Registrars
Principle Registrar
Hospital Medical Officers (PGY2 and PGY3)
Anaesthetics Senior Registrars/Fellows
Neonatal Fellows
Neonatal HMOs/Registrars
Mental Health Registrar
Women’s and Neonates Imaging Fellow
Dermatology Trainee
Women’s Emergency Care Registrars

College or Trainee Program Allocated

ITP Level 4 Trainees
ITP Level 2 Trainees 
ITP Level 1 Trainees
Anaesthetics (OPATs)

Secondment Agreements with other Health Services

RMH : Anaesthetics Registrar (Complex Care / ICU) 

RCH : Neonatal HMOs/Registrar