
Did you know that many harmful effects of smoking begin to decline as soon as a person stops smoking?

Some people notice positive changes to their general health and wellbeing very quickly. So no matter how long you have smoked, you can halt or even reverse the damage that smoking is causing.

The damage being done to your body is significant. Smoking can cause many types of cancers, chronic lung disease, heart attacks, strokes and osteoporosis. It can also decrease fertility, lead to poorer pregnancy outcomes, tooth loss and premature ageing of skin.
Smoking is also known to have harmful effects on those exposed to smoke including developing babies, infants and children.

There’s nothing good about smoking. And if you think it’s too hard to quit, consider this: there are more ex-smokers in Australia then there are smokers.  Even if you have tried to quit before, try again. Most people find quitting difficult, and it often takes a number of attempts. In Australia, more than 85 per cent of females and 80 per cent of males do not smoke. So you’ll be in good company – and healthy company. Your GP or a helpline such as QUIT can give you advice and support to help you stop smoking.


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