Considering an abortion

Abortion is legal in Victoria. If you are considering an abortion, remember you have the right to make this choice.

Considering an abortion

When considering an abortion, think about your feelings, your values and your beliefs. Sometimes, there is no perfect decision. Instead, you may choose to decide on what best fits your situation at the time.

You are the best judge of how you will cope and what you need to make this decision. Many people find when they make a considered and informed decision and have the support they need, they feel more positive about their decision. Some people have mixed emotions. These can include relief as well as a sense of sadness and loss after the abortion.

Whatever choice you make, it’s important to act as early as possible. Abortion is a time sensitive decision, and the choices you have may depend on how far along your pregnancy is. Your options can depend on:

  • how many weeks pregnant you are (this is counted from your last menstrual period or measured by ultrasound)
  • your personal circumstances
  • your preference.

In Victoria, abortion services are available in metropolitan and regional areas.

Need immediate help or advice?

If you are unsure about your decision or want to find an abortion service, there is support available.

1800 My Options is a free and confidential service that can help you find pro-choice decision-making support or an abortion service.

You can phone them on 1800 696 784 (weekdays 9am – 5pm) or search the 1800 My Options website.

Violent or abusive relationships

If you are pregnant, research shows you may be at risk of:

  • violence for the first time
  • increased violence when there has already been violence in a relationship.

Many women in relationships where a partner or others use violence or control, say these relationships affect their decision-making. 1800RESPECT and Safe Steps both offer 24/7 support and information, including options for professional help and safety.


The Women’s does not accept any liability to any person for the information or advice (or use of such information or advice) which is provided on the Website or incorporated into it by reference. The Women’s provide this information on the understanding that all persons accessing it take responsibility for assessing its relevance and accuracy. Women are encouraged to discuss their health needs with a health practitioner. If you have concerns about your health, you should seek advice from your health care provider or if you require urgent care you should go to the nearest Emergency Dept.