Patient care before first appointment

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Please continue to see your patient and arrange the relevant tests while they are waiting for their first appointment at the Women's.

Routine tests to order for your patient

Please note that these tests are mandatory pre-referral requirements for pregnancy care at the Women’s.

  • Blood  group and antibodies
  • Full blood examination
  • Ferritin
  • Hepatitis B serology
  • Hepatitis C serology
  • Syphilis serology
  • Rubella antibodies
  • HIV antibodies
  • MSU M&C or urinalysis

Other tests that you might consider

  • Varicella antibodies
  • Chlamydia
  • Haemoglobin electrophoresis and additional thalassemia testing
  • GTT or other screen for diabetes
  • Vitamin D levels
  • TSH
  • Cervical Screening

Discuss Down syndrome testing and arrange if appropriate:

  • Early combined screening test (blood test in 10th week and ultrasound as 12 weeks) or a maternal serum screening test at 15-17 weeks
  • Non-invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) for cell-free fetal DNA
  • Diagnostic testing (CVS or amniocentesis)

Ultrasound Scans that you might consider

We have limited ability within our hospital to provide routine ultrasound scans. As such, we rely on GPs to organise the following investigations in the community: 

  • 12 week ultrasound (nuchal translucency)
  • 20-22 week ultrasound (fetal morphology)

Concerns regarding pregnancy ultrasound

If a woman's referral for pregnancy care at the Women's has been accepted, and you have concerns regarding the results of a pregnancy ultrasound scan performed in the community, we can assist you in the following ways:

  • Help with the interpretation of the ultrasound
  • Arrange a follow-up tertiary scan if required
  • Arrange an appointment for the woman to discuss the results with a hospital doctor or genetic services
  • Book a CVS or amniocentesis (if she has been counselled and consented by you). You need to provide the Shared Care Maternity  Coordinator with a letter with:
    • Woman's details
    • EDC
    • Your details, what is requested with reason and blood group

You are also welcome to contact the Shared Care Co-ordinator on (03) 8345 2129 or email

Please note

  • Copies of all results should be provided to the patient before their first appointment.
  • Please advise patients to bring the results to their first appointment at the Women’s to facilitate complete clinical assessment.