Credentialing & affiliates list

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We have 600 doctors and midwives registered as shared maternity care affiliates at the Women's.

There are joint credentialing and re-credentialing criteria and a joint process with the Women’s, Mercy Health, Western Health and Northern Hospital.

Affiliates list

Browse an interactive map of our shared maternity care affiliates. To search by name, clinic or suburb, view the affiliates map in a new window.

Credentialing as a new affiliate

General Practitioners and Obstetricians

To credential as a Shared Maternity Care Affiliate GP or Obstetrician, please download and complete the relevant application form:

Pathways to credential are outlined in the form. If you have further questions, please contact the GP Liaison Unit.

Send the completed form and supporting documentation to the GP Liaison Unit:


To apply as Shared Maternity Care Affiliate midwife, please fill in the Application for Midwife Credentialing (Word).

If you have any questions, please contact our Assistant for the Director of Maternity Services on (03) 8345 2033.

Re-credential as an affiliate

General Practitioners and Obstetricians

Every three years, affiliates need to re-credential (next due 31/12/2025).

The application process will be communicated to all affiliates in mid 2025.

To re-credential, the following will be required:

  • Evidence of at least 5 hours of pregnancy related CPD undertaken in the 2023-2025 triennium (if you are a GP. If you are an obstetrician, this is not required). 
  • Evidence of medical indemnity.
  • Agreement to undertakings.


For the upcoming re-credentialing, the following will be required:

  • Current Midwifery Registration and Medical Indemnity Insurance.
  • Ten pregnancy related CPD points/hours
    Attendance at annual half day Shared Maternity Care Workshops held jointly by the Women's, in the current triennium.
  • Agreement to undertakings.

Date reviewed: 12 December 2024

Date reviewed: 12 December 2024