Frequently asked questions
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Below are some frequently asked questions to help you give with confidence. If you have additional questions, you can contact us on 03 8345 2954 or send an email.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes, all donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

The purchase of tickets to an event, sponsorships, or other activities in which you receive a direct benefit of value are not tax-deductible.

Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, if you donate online a receipt will be emailed to you immediately. For all other donations received via post, in-person or through direct deposit, a receipt will be posted to you three days after receiving your donation.

If you are a regular monthly donor, you will receive a receipt at the end of each financial year (around late July). 

Can I donate in honour of a loved one, or an important milestone?

Yes, this is a very powerful way of honouring a loved one, celebrating a milestone or remembering an important moment.

View different options in Ways to give.

Where does my money go?

It’s important to us that you know how we use your donation – because we rely on your generosity to continue being here for all women and babies who need us.

We want to make sure your donation is sustainable and enduring because we understand that it is so much more than a financial contribution. It’s about transforming health and lives for many years to come.

Here’s an overview of what your donation will achieve if you specify a particular program for your gift to be used:

  • 70% will go towards supporting our dedicated staff to deliver the program and fund the purchase and maintenance of essential physical items such as medical equipment.
  • 10% will go towards sustaining our research ecosystem, to ensure women and babies are the first in line to receive the most advanced treatment available.
  • 10% will be invested in a future fund to ensure we continue to transform healthcare for women and newborns for many years to come.
  • 10% will help us raise additional funds from other caring people like you, hence multiplying your impact.

By providing an untied gift to the Women’s, you are giving us the flexibility to allocate funds to areas of highest need, giving us the ability to respond wherever and whenever women and babies need us.

We understand the need to consider your particular preferences and circumstances and we are very happy to discuss alternative funding models should you wish to do so.

To request further information or discuss other ways you wish your donation to be used, please contact Jason Smith, Executive Director Philanthropy & Community Investment, on (03) 8345 2954 or by email.

Can I direct my gift to a specific purpose?

Wherever possible we encourage donors to give to our priority needs. This enables the hospital to direct your funds where they are needed most, whether that is purchasing equipment to stay at the forefront of technology or investing in cutting-edge research to discover new treatments. A gift to our priority needs ensures the hospital is nimble enough to respond to the latest research opportunities and critical needs of our patients.

We understand giving is a unique and personal experience and that some donors may feel passionately about a specific area of need. We will always endeavour to meet a donor’s request or preference but there may be some cases where we are unable to do so. We will be open and transparent about how donated funds are applied and ensure the women and babies we care for are at the heart of everything we do.

What if a donation is made in error?

We understand there may be circumstances where an error has been made with a donation. If you believe this applies to you please contact us.

Does the hospital collect my information?

Information is collected by the Women’s to process your gift; ensure your information is up to date in our relationship management system; and to tailor hospital communications about events, news, donor relations and fundraising activities most relevant to you. We take all reasonable steps to ensure the information we hold is accurate and complete.

You may request access to, or correction of, your personal information by calling 03 8345 2954 or by email. You can find more information on the hospital’s privacy policy here.
