Include us in your Will
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Leaving a gift in your Will is a legacy that can impact generations of women and newborns to come.

For example, a bequest by Ilma Mary Short helped to establish the Women’s Gynaecology Research Centre – the first centre in Australia to bring together clinical and laboratory expertise to investigate a wide range of gynaecological health conditions.

When preparing your Will, we appreciate that your family and loved ones should always come first, and believe it is important to talk with them about your intentions and why leaving a gift to the Women’s is important to you.

To help you in your preparation, the Women’s Executive Director of Philanthropy and Community Investment, Jason Smith, is available to discuss your plans, or to meet with you. You can contact us on (03) 8345 2954 or send an email.

Additionally, by advising us of your decision to include the Women’s in your Will, it gives us the opportunity to thank you personally and, if you choose, to involve you in our future plans and activities.

Wording for your Gift in Will

To ensure that your executors can carry out your wishes effectively, the correct wording is important. The following options are offered as a guide and should be discussed with your solicitor.

Unrestricted gift

“I bequeath [ ___ percent of my residual estate / the sum of $ ______ (choose one alternative)] to the Royal Women’s Hospital ABN 62 787 822 077, 20 Flemington Rd, Parkville Victoria, 3052, to be used for its general purposes, and I further declare that the receipt of the Board Secretary, Chief Executive Officer or other proper officer of the Royal Women’s Hospital is sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.”

Specific purpose gift

“I bequeath [ ___ percent of my residual estate / the sum of $ ______ (choose one alternative)] to the Royal Women’s Hospital ABN 62 787 822 077, 20 Flemington Rd, Parkville Victoria, 3052 and I express the wish without creating a binding trust that the funds be used and applied for the purposes of ________ or if the purpose no longer exists then for a similar purpose at the discretion of the Royal Women’s Hospital. I further declare that the receipt of the Board Secretary, Chief Executive Officer or other proper officer of the Royal Women’s Hospital is sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.”

For further information, please contact us.
