Planning a visit

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We still have a few COVID safe measures in place. We ask visitors to the Women's to follow these measures.

These COVID safe measures will help:

  • prevent the risk of transmission in our hospital 
  • protect our patients, their families and our staff.

Please see below for up-to-date information on wearing of masks, and limitations on number of visitors. 

Wearing of masks

Visitors and staff are required to wear a mask in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Women's.

In all other places at the Women's, face masks are not required. Staff, volunteers, patients or visitors who choose to wear a mask in these areas are supported to do so. 

Limitations on number of visitors

The following limitations on visitor numbers remain in place. For more information: Why limitations on visitor numbers are needed.

Inpatients – patients staying overnight in our hospital

  • Newborn Intensive Care Unit and Special Care Nursery – A maximum of three (3) people (at least one adult) are welcome at the cot side of each baby, at any one time. Visits can occur at any time (the 'visiting hours' that apply elsewhere in the hospital do not apply in these areas). 
  • Birth Centre – Two (2) support people, including a partner, may be with a patient during labour and birth with no time limit.*
  • Maternity wards – Two (2) people (adult or child) are welcome to visit a patient at any one time during visiting hours. This includes the patient’s partner or designated support person, who can visit outside of visiting hours. Our visiting hours are 2pm-8pm. 
  • Gynaecology wards - Two (2) people (adult or child) are welcome to visit a patient at any one time during visiting hours. This includes the patient’s partner or designated support person, who can visit outside of visiting hours. Our visiting hours are 2pm-8pm. 
  • Complex Care and the Antenatal Ward – Two (2) people (adult or child) are welcome to visit a patient at any one time during visiting hours. This includes the patient’s partner or designated support person, who can visit outside of visiting hours. Our visiting hours are 2pm-8pm.  

Outpatients – patients coming in for an appointment

  • Outpatient clinics and imaging/diagnostic appointments – One (1) adult partner/support person may attend a clinic appointment with a patient, if required. Some clinical rooms, treatment areas and waiting areas have space limitations so partner/support person may need to wait elsewhere at times.
  • Day Surgery – Patients should attend alone. If assistance is required, one (1) partner or support person can drop a patient to Day Surgery. Our staff will contact the partner/support person when the patient is ready to be collected from the hospital.

Women’s Emergency Care

  • Women’s Emergency Care (WEC) – One (1) partner/support person may attend WEC with a patient, if required. Some WEC clinical rooms and waiting areas have space limitations so partner/support person may be asked to wait outside.


  • Babies 12 months or younger may accompany their mother in our hospital buildings at any time.
  • Children are welcome to visit a patient staying overnight as long as they are accompanied by an adult. Please see details above. In exceptional circumstances, please contact the hospital before visiting.

Private appointments on level 2

  • Private Consulting Suites – One (1) partner/support person may attend appointment with private patients.

Frances Perry House

*If a Birth Centre patient or support person is COVID positive at admission, we will work with the patient and their support person to develop a safe and individualised plan during their stay. If you or your birth partner are COVID positive, please call us and let us know before your due date.

Visiting hours

Visiting hours are generally 2pm-8pm.

Some people can visit at any time of the day or night:

  • partners of patients on maternity wards 
  • visitors to a baby in our Newborn Intensive Care Unit and Special Care Nursery. A maximum of three (3) people (at least one adult) are welcome at the cot side of each baby, at any one time. The visiting hours that apply elsewhere in the hospital do not apply in these areas.